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How Honoring the Phases of the Moon Enhanced My Writing Practice

I’ve been paying extra attention to the phases of the moon since I attended a moondance ceremony last June. At the start of this year, I made a promise to see how my life changes when I put intentionally align with these phases. What better way than to test this out than to run writing circles during the new and full moons? It’s built in accountability in the best way.

So how is this helping me become a better writer? It turns out, there are plenty of ways.

Understanding natural cycles

This year I’ve been focusing on two phases of the moon – the new moon and the full moon. Each of these phases represent different points in a repeating cycle.

The new moon represents the beginning of the cycle. It is a time to set intentions, to call in what you want out of life. During this phase, the moon is not visible in the sky. Here, we are reminded to turn our attention inward. This is a time to focus on what we are creating in our inner worlds, and to truly understand YES, we are meant to be in control of our inner worlds, and to create an outer world that reflects our desires and dreams.  

The full moon represents the end of a cycle. It is a time of harvest. It is a time for us to give gratitude for everything we have been given and worked hard for. It is a time when the moon is fully visible, illuminating the things in our lives that are no longer serving us so we may RELEASE these things with ease. In doing so, we move towards the next cycle of setting intentions more prepared to work towards our goals.

Paying attention to these natural cycles gives me a timer to follow – a guide for checking in on my goals, my progress, and analyzing what needs to be changed to make the process better in the future. Yes, I absolutely apply this to my writing goals.

These cycles also help me see the way my own creative energy ebbs and flows. I am not constantly in creation mode. There has to be time for rest and reflection, time for observation and improvement. If I stop fighting periods of rest, I’m able to move back into creative surges without any strings of doubt. I stop questioning my own need for rest, and I see it as natural process.

Connecting to unedited feminine energy

The moon represents many things, one of those being feminine energy. In Spanish, luna is feminine. In many indigenous cultures, the moon is often referred to as Grandmother Moon. The moon is associated with water as it directs the tides. Water is also known to be the fluid representation of feminine energy. Women also menstruate with a timing that follows the cycles of the moon.

Feminine energy represents our intuition, emotion, empathy, passion, and creativity. It is the energy with which we move through FEELING. It is the energy with which we bring something into being that did not yet exist.

In my writing circles, I make a goal to tap into this energy by creating without planning and judgment. Without the need for perfectionism. It is the goal to remove all barriers for what is “good” and “bad” writing and let it be as it wants to be – raw and unfiltered. I find removing these censors requires practice and support, but when I allow myself to be in this flow, my best work comes through.  

Tapping into inspiration from themes of different moons

Astrologically, each new and full moon take place under a different sign. For example, this month we had a new moon in Taurus, and the full moon will be in Sagittarius. Whether you vibe with astrology or not, taking a look at the different signs and their meanings adds an extra layer of significance to the new and full moon phases. And who doesn’t want more fodder for creativity?

In each of my new and full moon writing circles, we reflect on our lives based on a theme inspired by the sign of the moon. This gives us direction, like a prompt. It inspires us to focus specifically on new topics. And trust me, there is ALWAYS something juicy to talk about when we write in alignment with the themes of the moon.

Deepening self-reflection

Aligning with new and full moon phases requires taking a moment to pause from busy day-to-day activities and being honest about where you stand in your own life. It forces you to ask questions about what you want, about things you’re grateful for, about things that aren’t working, about the relationships that serve you and ones that need to GO. It asks you how you’ve been treating yourself, treating others, and managing your time. Sometimes, this means looking at things you don’t necessarily want to see. Sometimes it means owning up to things you need to change or make amends for. And, you know what? It’s always best to know. That way you can actively make the changes you wish to see, even when it’s hard.

I ask myself these deep and hard questions not only about my relationships to myself, my world, and other people, but also about my relationship to writing and creativity. By checking in on a regular basis, I’m being forced to put my money where my mouth is. I say writing is a priority for me. Every new cycle I get to reflect on whether my actions match my words. Often, I’m happy to see progress. Other times, I get a soft reminder to reevaluate my choices. Let me tell you, I’ve never had such a consistent practice. Especially not one as full of inspiration and connection.

Building community

So now you understand the depth these in which cycles ask us to evaluate ourselves and our commitment to writing. Now, imagine you are talking with a group of creatives who are all practicing the same thing. The conversations get personal, they get supportive, they become cathartic. Before you know it, you have an entire group of writers who are committed not only to writing, but to becoming better versions of themselves. And that’s the kind of group you can become friends with, the kind of group you can rely on to hold you accountable. It creates the perfect community in which to grow.

I KNOW I would still be writing if I wasn’t part of a circle, because I’m a writer and that is what I do. But I swear, there is nothing like listening to another creative read the magic they’ve just spilled on a page and then using their words to inspire you to reach new creative heights all your own. All of this while knowing there is a group cheering you on every step of the way.